North American Tasar Association Report to WTC August 12
Presidents Reports by Francois Hebert
- The Class is struggling in North America
- We are having difficulty reaching a critical mass of Sailors in
North America.
- Geographically the Tasar fleets are somewhat spread out but
concentrated in the Pacific Northwest.
- The Tasar is niche market. With many competitors sailing the
boat for 10 yrs +
- The Vancouver Fleet is still active with 8-12 Boats sailing
regularly on Tuesday evenings during the summer months. Less than 5
boats from this fleet typically travel to weekend regattas
- The Seattle fleet has seen the most change in the last 12-18
months with boats sailing regularly in preparation to the worlds,
even during the winter months. Some younger sailors with college
sailing and Olympic campaigning experience have joined the
- 18 Tasars attended a regatta in Seattle in May 2013, the
largest fleet of boats in Seattle in recent memory.
- The Portland fleet has seen the most declines due in part to
competition from other boats such as the vanguard 15.
- The level of sailing has been generally high in preparation to
the worlds and the quality of racing has been good.
- NATA is currently working on ways to keep the momentum of the
2013 class going for the future.
- Some competitive boats are available can be purchased for
around $5000, with mylar sails. Many cheaper boats are available
and in many cases only need a sail upgrade. It is highly cost
conscious in North America. The low cost of racing the Tasar is the
main reason many younger sailors are entering the fleet.
- Non-profit sailing clubs in Vancouver make heavy use of the
Tasar Locarno and Vikings clubs have a dozen boats that can be used
by the members at a very low cost approx $300 per year. A
small number are occasional racers but they do not travel.( mainly
because these sailors do not own these boats) They all have now
made the upgrade to Mylar sails. ( this took of couple of
- Access to parts and Sails in North America has been good, West
Coast sailing has been keeping a good inventory of parts and
supplying the spars and sails for the class.
- 5 new boats have sold in North America in 2012-2013.
- In North America , not many adults are sailing dinghies. It's a
challenge to get a critical mass of sailors. There isn't any
non-youth orientated double-handed dinghy classes growing at the
moment. Sailing is not a growing sport in North America. The fleets
and sailors are aging.
- The Tasar still remains one of the best 'bang for the buck' for
a double handed adult class in North America it is not much more
expensive than a Laser, since many second hand boats are still very
competitive. Boats that are over 35+ yrs old are still
winning regattas. These is a testament to the build quality of the
- Despite being close to 40 yrs old it still remains a benchmark
for performance.
- Number of paid members 16
- Financially the NATA is doing well. The class has been well
managed and has a reserve of funds of $15 780 Canadian.
- Carbon mast
- The carbon mast would be devastating for the North American
class it would immediately make all older boats obsolete. The cost
of refurbishing an older boat would be much more expensive.
- To buy Mylar sails and a new Carbon mast would be more
expensive than the cost of the boat itself.
- The NATA has consulted with their members, and no member has
interest or support for the carbon mast. Although we have not had a
formal vote.