World Tasar Class Association
Minutes of the World Council meeting held at Torquay, September 19, 2011 at 6:00 PM.
World Council Members
Name |
Region |
Position |
Pete Ellis |
UK |
President, WTCA |
Graham Hanna |
Australia |
Chief Measurer |
Gary Brandt |
North America |
delegate for the President NATA |
John Tripp |
UK |
Chair, TAUK |
Haruyuki Yamamoto |
Japan |
President, JTA |
Richard Spencer |
North America |
Life Member, WTCA |
Nicole Kidman |
Australia |
delegate for the President ATC |
Michael Paynter |
Australia |
President, ATC via Skype |
Chris Parkinson |
Australia |
Executive Secretary, WTCA |
Regrets |
Frank Bethwaite |
Australia |
Designer |
Tony Norris |
North America |
President, NATA |
Observers |
Name |
Region |
Name |
Region |
Shelley Macy |
North America |
Yoji Ishikawa |
Japan |
Constantijn Udo |
Europe |
Afsushi Inoue |
Japan |
Elizabeth Kemmis |
Australia |
Helen Spencer |
North America |
Mayuko Yamazaki |
Japan |
1. Introductions and welcome
Pete Ellis took the chair and introduced those present.
2. Agenda
The agenda was adopted, with the Designer's report moved to before item 10.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the World Council meeting of September 22, 2009, as posted on the web, were approved.
4. President's report.
Pete Ellis presented written report.
5. Regional reports
Europe. John Tripp presented a written report
Constantijn Udo reported on Europe A small fleet in Germany - a young fleet. Mandy Stock supporting Europe as well. Tijn would like to follow up with those who buy The Tasar being selected as a youth training boat in the German fleet.
Australia. Michael Paynter presented his report via Skype. Copy attached
North America. Gary Brandt presented a written report on behalf of Tony Norris President, NATA.
Japan. Haruyuki Yamamoto presented a written report.
6. Executive Secretary's report. Chris Parkinson presented a written report.
Matters arising from Executive Secretary's report:
Class rules: it was agreed that once 70% of the regions voted for the changes to the class rules that there was no need to wait for all regions to complete voting before declaring the result of the vote. As 70% of the regions have voted for the changes to rules C.2.1(f) and C.2.2(o) these should be sent to ISAF for inclusion in the class rules.
Action: Chris Parkinson to send to ISAF.
Tasar History: Moved Richard Spencer, seconded Chris Parkinson that production costs of the book be met from funds currently held by WTC. Michael Paynter ATC voted against the motion, all other regions voted for the motion. The motion was carried.
7. Chief Measurer's report. Graham Hanna presented his written report, and also reported on issues that had been raised at the measurer's sub-committee meeting. The pre-regatta measurement process had worked well, and there were very few measurement issues at this regatta.
8. Proposed Rule Changes: the JTA proposed changes to Rules C.1.5 and C.2.1. Copy of proposal attached. After discussion it was agreed that these changes were clarifications of existing rules and there was no need for formal voting by all members. The wording needed to be refined. This would be circulated to the WTC before being sent to ISAF for inclusion in the class rules.
Action: Chris Parkinson to circulate and send to ISAF.
9. Site of the next World Championships.
2013: Gary Brandt confirmed on behalf of NATA that the World Championships would be held at Cascade Locks from August 9th to 17th, 2013..
2015: Michael Paynter, ATC, said the ATC is looking forwarding to hosting the 2015 World Championships in Australia. The venue at this time is most likely to be Geographe Bay (south of Perth), WA in January 2015
Constantijn Udo asked about the possibility of holding World Championships at neutral venues as was the case of the Phuket Worlds in 2007. It was agreed that any region could request to do this if they wished but WTC approval would be needed.
10. Designer's report.
The Designer's report was presented by Richard Spencer on behalf of Frank Bethwaite. Copy attached
11. Other business.
Introduction of Carbon Fibre Spars for the Tasar: Michael Paynter proposed, Chris Parkinson seconded, the following
That the WTC support design and trials by the Designer of carbon fibre spars for the Tasar dinghy
That subject to a successful trial, further approvals be sought at the next WTC meeting for their introduction, not before the next world championship to be held in Australia in early 2015.
The importance of communicating the results of trials and status of development to all members was discussed. The possibility of adding a forum to the WTC website for this purpose was discussed.
12. Election of Officers.
The following were elected:
President - Tony Norris, NATA Vice President - Michael Paynter ATC
13. Appointment of Officers
Chief Measurer - Graham Hanna, ATC Executive Secretary - Chris Parkinson, ATC
The meeting closed at 9 pm.