Australian Tasar Council
9 September 2011
Report to World Tasar Council - Torbay UK, 19 September '11
On behalf of the Australian Tasar Council and Australian Tasar sailors, it is my pleasure to present this report to the World Tasar Council meeting at Torbay UK.
Tasar sailing in Australian continues to thrive in each of the 6 districts represented. Ninety three yachts contested the 37th Australian National Championships in tropical Queensland in July 2010 and only 6 months later the 38th Nationals were held on the iconic Sydney Harbour in NSW.
The next Nationals are already scheduled for July 2012 in Darwin Northern Territory and then in South Australia in January 2013 at the holiday venue of Victor Harbour.
The ATC Members, comprising the secretaries and presidents of each district association, meet via video conference every quarter and this has proved to be an effective communication method for a very large region. Each district is financially secure and is underpinned by ATC grants for marketing and training.
Each district is encouraged by the ATC to conduct both beginner and racing training each year to ensure that newcomers to the class feel welcome and competent in handling their boat. It is interesting to note that most tasar crews in Australia are family combinations of adults and/or children.
The ATC is looking forward to the World Championships scheduled for Australia in 2015 and is currently seeking expressions of interest for a suitable 'exotic' location.
The Australian Region has sponsored the resolution at the WTC meeting supporting the design and trial of carbon fibre spars for the tasar and is keen to see the outcome and prototypes on the water. We look forward to our next WTC meeting at Cascade Locks in the USA in 2013 when this issue and the general tasar community issues can be further discussed.
Michael Paynter President, Australian Tasar Council