2005 Proposed Class Rule Changes

2005 Proposed changes to Tasar Class Rules


Proposed changes to the Tasar Class Rules
World Council Meeting, July 4, 2005

Note:  See revised proposals, approved August 12, 2005

A - Hull weight
A1. Amend the first sentence of rule D.3.1 to read as follows: D.3.1 "A minimum hull weight of 68 kg shall apply for class racing." Leave the rest of D.3.1 unchanged. Delete rule D.3.2.
Comment: This change is to accommodate Julian's request to builders re hull weight.

B - Sails
Rule changes required if mylar sails are adopted

B1. Measuring two jibs
Amend rule C.2.1(c) to include a new last sentence, so that the rule will read:
" No part of a boat shall be replaced during an event, except for the use of one alternative jib which has been measured as provided for in G.1.2., other than to replace equipment damaged beyond repair before the next race. Such replacement may be made only with the approval of the Race Committee, and no re-substitution of the original equipment may then be made, except with the approval of the Race Committee. If two jibs are measured, both jibs shall be made from the same material, either dacron or mylar.
Comment: We don't want people switching, say from mylar to dacron if there is very light wind.

B2. National letters and sail numbers
Amend the first sentence of rule C.1.3 to read:
" On dacron sails the national letters shall be wholly between the 4th and 5th batten pockets from the head point and the sail numbers shall be wholly between the 3rd and 4th batten pockets from the head point."
Add a new second sentence to read:
" On mylar sails the lower national letters shall be placed on the port side, approximately 50 mm above the 4th batten pocket from the head point, and the upper sail numbers shall be placed on the starboard side, approximately 50 mm below the 4th batten pocket from the head point."
Comment: The new section reflects the different batten placement in the mylar sails, ensures the letters and numbers are placed as on the trial sails, and places the letters above the numbers, as required by ISAF.

B3. Measurement to head of jib
Amend rule F.1.4 to read as follows:
" For dacron sails, the measurement from the bearing point at the hounds to the aft head point of the jib shall not exceed 115 mm. This rule does not apply to mylar jibs."
Comment: This rule is not applicable to mylar jibs.

B4. Length of whisker pole
Delete the limit on maximum length from rule F.1.6, and add "length" to the list of items that are unrestricted, so that the rule reads:
F.1.6 "The whisker pole shall float. Material shall be aluminum, wood or f.r.p. Length, diameter, fittings and method of attachment to the clewboard of the jib or jib sheet are optional and unrestricted."
Comment: It was agreed at the World Council meeting that there should be a maximum length for whisker poles. However, this length is not currently available. A rule incorporating a maximum length will be proposed when the correct length has been determined. At this time it is important to allow longer whisker poles to be used.

B5. Jib halyard and furler
Add a new rule F.4.5. "When a mylar jib is used, a jib furler and swivel are not fitted, and a jib halyard and associated fittings, as supplied by the builder, are required. Any replacements of the supplied equipment are subject to all applicable rules, including C.2.4 and F.4.1."

B6. Mylar sails
Add a new a new rule G.2.4: "The mainsail and jib may be of different materials, either mylar or dacron, but may not be changed during an event, except as permitted by rule C.2.1(c)."
Comment: I am assuming that people may buy either a new mylar main or a new mylar jib first, so we should allow a dacron and a mylar sail to be used at the same time, at least initially. Obviously, this will happen less and less as time passes. If the sails can only be used as a pair (i.e. both dacron or both mylar), this rule should state: "The mainsail and jib must be of same material, either mylar or dacron."

B7. Leech take up
Amend rule G.2.3 to read: "For dacron sails, leech take-up not extending more than 150 mm from the leech, for the purpose of compensating for stretch with use, is deemed to be a repair. The associated re-stitching may not extend more than 200 mm from the leech. Leech take up is not permitted for mylar sails."
Comment: Leech take up is not required with mylar sails.

The class rules are available here.

Approved by World Council for circulation and voting 2005/07/04