2001 Minutes of WTC Meeting

World Tasar Class Association
Minutes of the World Council Meeting, Whitstable, England, held at the Whitstable Yacht Club, August 21, 2001 at 9:00 AM.

World Council Members




Carol Buchan

North America

Representing President,            North American Tasar Association

Ian Guanaria


Chief Measurer

Graham Hanna



Toshinori Ikeda


Representing President,            Japan Tasar Association

John Rischmiller


President, World Tasar            Council

Richard Spencer

North America

Executive            Secretary






Fumio Kaneka



Tim Knight



Martin Linsley



Noriko Tanaka


1.  Introductions
John Rischmiller took the chair and introduced those present.
2.  Minutes of the meeting of September, 1999
The minutes are on the web.  Acceptance:  moved: Ian Guanaria, seconded: Graham Hanna, passed.
3.  President's report.  John Rischmiller
Our application for ISAF status is progressing and will be considered by the ISAF in November, 2001.  Frank Bethwaite concluded his trial of a spinnaker for the Tasar, and decided not to proceed with this.  Most boats in the UK now have topmast stiffeners fitted.  John is concerned about the lack of uniform enforcement of rules around the world, and he encouraged the measurers in each country to enforce all the class rules, unless there is a formal agreement not to do so in that country.
John suggested integrating the regional and world websites into a formal structure, with a common naming convention, and links between them.  The email list is now a vital means of communication, with over 150 members. 
Challenges:  there are number of new dinghies being marketed, including the 39er.  We need to understand our niche, and avoid head on competition with other classes.  We need to decide on the appropriate ISAF advertising category for the Tasar.  ISAF recognition may bring more high performance sailors into the Tasar class, and it is not clear what the effect of this will be.
4.  Regional reports
Europe.  John Riscmiller reported.  More members have been attracted this year because the Worlds are being hosted in Europe.  About 6 new boats are being built each year, and a number of older boats have reappeared and are being raced.  There is more competition at the club level, but not as much traveling for interclub competition as there was.
There were 170 different classes at the UK Dinghy exhibition and these, together with new classes, pose a serious challenge.  It is difficult to promote the Tasar class without the support of a major manufacturer, such as Performance Sailcraft who market the Laser.  Major manufacturers introduce about one new class per year   For example, after 2 years of production of the RS 600, the RS 700 has now been introduced.  TAUK continues to advertise, but can't afford full page ads.  There is a need to stabilize the class, and consistent measurement in all countries, to keep the boats as nearly identical as possible, would help to do this.  We also need to consider removing some "petty restrictions."  For example, we can use a two part outhaul, using line and wire, but we can't have a tapered line, and elastic to pull the clew in is not allowed.  Some minor changes in the rules might make the class significantly more attractive.
Australia.  Graham Hanna presented a report on behalf of Chris Parkinson, President, ATC. (link to report)
North America.  Carol Buchan presented a report on behalf of Cathy Sherwood, President, NATA. (link to report)
Japan.  Tim Knight presented a report on behalf of Atsuo Yasuzawa, President, JTA. (link to report)
5.  Executive Secretary's report.  Richard Spencer reported that our request for ISAF recognition for the Tasar will be considered in November, 2001.  It appears likely that it will be approved.  The ISAF requires an agreement between them, the designer and the Class Association. 
Moved John Rischmiller, seconded Carol Buchan, that the Executive Secretary be authorized to sign an agreement between the World Tasar Class Association, the ISAF and the designer on behalf of the WTCA.  Carried.
There is a balance of 17.75 pounds sterling in the WTCA bank account.  The process for setting and paying fees for ISAF recognized status was approved by the World Council in September, 1999, and is as follows:
The Executive Secretary will determine annually the fee to be paid by each region, based on the annual fee for ISAF recognition and the number of members in each region on September 30th. This fee will be set in October and will be due on November 30, so that the ISAF fees can be paid in January of the next year.
The WTCA/NATA website is maintained at www.tasar.org.  No position statements have been submitted for the last year.  Because the website and the email list provide good communication, these will no longer be requested.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 AM and reconvened at 9:00 AM on Thursday, August 23.

World Council Members




Carol Buchan

North America

Representing President,            North American Tasar Association

Ian Guanaria


Chief Measurer

Graham Hanna



Toshinori Ikeda


Representing President,            Japan Tasar Association

John Rischmiller


President, World Tasar            Council

Richard Spencer

North America

Executive            Secretary







Carl Buchan

North America


Fumio Kaneka



Tim Knight



Martin Linsley



Geoge            Motoyoshi



Noriko Tanaka



Constantine            Udo


6.  Designer's Report.  John Rischmiller read a report from Frank Bethwaite, which is on the web (go to report).
7.  Measurer's report.  Ian Guanaria.  Ian is resigning serving as Chief  Measurer since 1998.  Most measurement problems have been overcome.  There was no meeting of the measurers' committee in Whitstable.  Boat hull weights in Australia are dropping, and averaged 67.3 kg at the last Nationals. 
Interpretations.  Interpretation 28 was not approved, and is therefore currently not in force. The wording of this interpretation changes the class rules for Tasars racing in handicap events, and allows them to race without hull weight ballast. However, many handicap events require all competing boats to conform to their class rules, and organizers would expect Tasars to carry the ballast required in class events. There is a conflict here that needs to be resolved.  TAUK will suggest revised wording that ensures that Tasar competing in handicap events carry hull weight ballast when the Notice of Race specifies that normal class rules will apply for all classes taking part.
Moved Ian Guanaria, seconded Graham Hanna, that  that Interpretations 29 and 30 be approved.  Carried.
New interpretation 31 was proposed, to ensure that shroud pull backs are not rigged so that pulling the leeward shroud back when both skipper and crew are sitting to windward is a primary function.
Moved Richard Spencer, seconded Ian Guanaria, that Interpretation 31 be approved.  Carried.
Hull weight. Class rule 4(c) requires that the interim minimum weight be reviewed at each World Council meeting with a view to reducing the weight to the design weight of 64kg. After some deliberation it was
Moved John Rischmiller, seconded Ian Guanaria, that each region or district be asked to vote on a change in rule 4(c) to lower the interim minimum hull weight from 68 kg to 66 kg. Carried.
Window in mainsail.  NATA had trialled a window in the mainsail.  Carl Buchan said that after trying it, he was strongly in favor of introducing a window.  Ian Guanaria said he would ask Ian McDiarmid to specify a material and dimensions for a suitable window.
Moved Richard Spencer, seconded Carol Buchan, that the designer be asked to incorporate a window in the mainsail, and to publish the specifications and dimensions, to allow existing mainsails to be modified to include a similar window.  Carried.
(A report from Todd Blumel, NATA Measurer, is available here)
ISAF version of the rules. Moved John Rischmiller, seconded Graham Hanna, that as there are no significant changes in the effect of any rules in the version that has been reformatted to conform to ISAF requirements, the Executive Secretary is authorized to adopt them as part of the process of ISAF recognition.  Carried.
Advertising. The class has the right under ISAF RRS Regulation 20 to adopt Category C, rather than the current default of Category A.  It was reported that all regions favor a change to Category C. 
Moved John Rischmiller, seconded Graham Hanna, that the Tasar class adopt Category C.  Carried.
Appreciation. Ian Guanaria was thanked for doing an excellent job as Chief Measurer.
8.  Proposal from JTA to change the crew weight ballast requirement.   The following proposal was received from the Japan Tasar Association: 
Each region to is requested to promote discussion with the aim of preparing a report expressing the views of its membership regarding: a.    The importance of the current rule 29 to the Tasar class in the future. b.   The lack of consideration of crew height (leverage) when considering equalisation. c.    Whether regional crew equalisation rules would be more appropriate than world rules. These items should be discussed at AGM where possible.  Reports to be submitted to the world council by August 31, 2002 for distribution.
The Japan Tasar Association feels strongly that the crew weight rule should be changed.  John Rischmiller noted that Frank Bethwaite also feels some change is needed. 
Moved Toshi Ikeda, seconded Constantine Udo, that the proposal from JTA be accepted, and that regions be asked to report back by August 31, 2002.  Carried. (link to article by Frank Bethwaite on performance equalization)
9.  Requirements for World Championships.  Moved Richard Spencer, seconded Ian Guanaria, that at all Tasar championships where there are age categories, these should be: Masters - crew and helm have a combined age of 80 to 99 years Grand Masters - combined age of 100 to 119 years Super Grand Masters - combined age 120 years or more.  All ages to be on the day of the first scheduled race at the event.  Carried.
Moved Graham Hanna, seconded Constantine Udo, that there should be a Junior Helm category, for helms aged under 19 on the day of the first scheduled race.  Carried.
No other formal requirements for World Championships were proposed.  The Executive Secretary was asked to develop guidelines for those organizing World Championships.
10.  Sites for next World Championships.  Carol Buchan proposed Victoria, BC, Canada as the site of the next worlds, in 2003.  Approved.
There was a request to consider holding the event to coincide with UK school holidays, which are from mid July to the end of August.
The meeting adjourned at 10 AM and reconvened at 8:35 AM on Friday, August 24.

World Council Members




Ian Guanaria


Chief Measurer

Graham Hanna



Toshinori Ikeda


Representing President,            Japan Tasar Association

John Rischmiller


President, World Tasar            Council

Richard Spencer

North America

Executive            Secretary






Geoge            Motoyoshi



Noriko Tanaka


10.   (continued) Sites for next World Championships.  These are: confirmed: 2003 - North America Victoria, BC proposed: 2005 - Australia - either: January, 2005 in NSW or July/August 2005 Darwin followed by: Japan - 2006 if Australian Worlds in January -  2007 if Australian Worlds July/August Europe - 2008 if Australian Worlds in 2006 - 2009 if Australian  Worlds in 2007 The European region asked to hold a World Championship in 2006/7 if Japan is willing to delay holding a Worlds until 2008/9.  JTA will advise the World Council of their plans.
11.  Other business.  Australia is interested in having a Nations or Regions trophy to be competed for in conjunction with the Worlds.  This could be for the top 5 boats from each region.  This will be considered further.
12.  Election of Officers.  The following were elected: President - Cathy Sherwood, President, NATA Vice President - Chris Parkinson, President, ATC Measurer - Todd Blumel, NATA Executive Secretary - Richard Spencer, NATA
The World Council thanked John Rischmiller for doing an outstanding job as President.
The meeting closed at 8:50 AM.