Please find below the provisional Agenda for the AGM to be held on Monday 31st July at the Toyota Industries Kaiyoh Yacht Harbor, Gamagori, Japan
World Tasar Council Meeting
Date: Monday, 31 July, 2017
Time: 10am
Venue: Toyota Industries Kaiyoh Yacht Harbor, Gamagori, Japan
1. Introductions and welcome
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes of the past meeting - Monday, January 5, 2015, Busselton, AUS
4. President's report
5. Regional reports
i. Europe and TAUK
ii. Australia
iii. North America
iv. Japan
6. Executive Secretary's report (Pete Ellis)
7. Designer's report (Julian Bethwaite)
8. Chief Measurer's report (Mike Karas)
9. Site of next World Championship
Note: the regular sequence for hosting World Championships would be:
i. UK/Europe (2019)
ii. North America (2021)
10. Other Business
i. Centreboard case re-design (ATC)
ii. Additional age related trophy (ATC)
11. Election of Officers
i. President
ii. Vice President
12. Appointment of Officers
i. Executive Secretary
ii. Chief Measurer