Date: Monday 29th July, 2019 Time: 9:15am
Venue: Hayling Island Sailing Club, UK
1. Introductions and welcome
Carried out.
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes of the past meeting - Monday, 31 July, 2017, Toyota Industries Kaiyoh Yacht Harbor, Gamagori, Japan
Not carried out as still some reports missing. These will be chased up and then added to the minutes for approval at next meeting.
4. President's report and UK Regional Report
On behalf of the UK tasar Association and UK sailors I am please to make a report to the World Tasar Council at Hayling Island UK
In 2018 as a warm up to the worlds planned for 2019 at Hayling Island the Association held a UK Nationals event at Hayling to build interest and iron out some of the measurement challenge's associated with the long construction period of the boat. The event gave a great mix of old and new boats with 40 competing with Craig Mcphee and Gilian Berry of Australia winning and putting a marker down for the worlds. A Uk Nationals was not initially planned for 2019 with the proximity of the worlds however in response to sailor requests a last minute event was called seeing a reduced fleet due to short notice and calendar timing. The use of the new sausage first, dual leeward mark saw some very close racing with Paul and Bronwyn Ridgway of Australia taking the title.
Interest in the tasar in the UK continues to wax a and wane however with worlds interest new boats have been purchased and a 15 boat fleet develop at Hisc which we are hopeful will remain strong
Since the AGM at Gamagori I have had the honour to be Tasar Wolds President I would like to pay tribute to Chris Payne who has worked tirelessly to introduce measurement changes associated with the dagger box changes, boom becket position and construction. Some concerns have recently been raised around the supply chain for new masts which now appears to have been resolved
Rod Porteous
5. Regional reports
i. Europe and TAUK
See above.
ii. Australia
Please click here for the report from the ATC
iii. North America
Please click here for the report from NATA
iv. Japan
Please click here for the report from the JTA
6. Executive Secretary's report (Pete Ellis)
Please click here for the 2019 Executive Secretarys Report
7. Designer's report (Julian Bethwaite)
Please click here for the 2019 Designers Report
Julian was unable to attend the meeting due to a family committment.
8. Chief Measurer's report (Chris Payne)
Chris Payne provided his report. Discussions held at the measurers meeting around how to introduce some more consistencies.
Also a discussion held around what the process could be that the measurers follow when looking at design changes to the Tasar. The intention of this is to involve the measurers at each region more.
9. Site of next World Championship
Note: the regular sequence for hosting World Championships would be:
i. North America (2021, Seattle)
Mike Karas spoke about the upcoming worlds to be held in Seattle, September 2021. More information is to follow online.
ii. Australia (2024, Sandringham Yacht Club, Victoria)
The ATC are looking for ratification to hold the World Titles at Sandringham Yacht Club, Victoria, Australia in 2024.
There were no objections to a Worlds being held in Sandringham, Victoria in 2024.
iii. Japan (TBC)
Japan will bring a proposal to the next meeting now that they are aware of the dates of the Worlds to be held in Australia.
10. Other Business
i. ATC - Global Supply Chain of Tasar Parts
Discussed around the issue experienced recently around a concern in there not being masts available. This has now been resolved in North America and UK/Europe. Australia is still experiencing issues which will be resolved at a local level.
ii. JTA - World Masters Games to be held in Wakayama Japan, May 25 - 30th 2021
Information was distributed around the upcoming World Masters Games to be held in Japan, in which the Tasar is the double handed boat. More information is to be published on the WTC website.
11. Election of Officers
i. President
Anthony Boscolo (NATA) was elected
ii. Vice President
Nicole Kidman (ATC) was elected
12. Appointment of Officers
i. Executive Secretary
Peter Ellis was re-appointed
ii, Chief Measurer
Chris Payne was re-appointed
13. Other Non Agendad Discussion
Discussion held around the process for investigating a Carbon Mast. Chris Payne to work with the Measurers group to design a proposed success criteria for a carbon mast, this will then be shared with each region to gain feedback on whether the class should approach Julian to investigate further. There are currently 4 years worth of masts available so class is not in a rush to carry this out.
Meeting closed at 10:15am.