2007 Weighted Voting Changes

Weighted Voting for Changes to the Tasar Class Rules and Constitution  - NATA votes in favour

At the NATA AGM on September 8, members voted unanimously in favour of the proposal to use weighted voting for changes to the class rules and constitution.

This is the first vote reported by a district or region on this proposal. Seven votes in favour are required to approve the proposed change.

Richard Spencer
Executive Secretary


Weighted Voting for Changes to the Tasar Class Rules and Constitution  - TAUK votes in favour

Pete Ellis has advised that TAUK members have voted unanimously in favour of the proposal to use weighted voting for changes to the class rules and constitution.

This is the second vote in favour reported by a district or region on this proposal. Seven votes in favour are required to approve the proposed change.

Richard Spencer
Executive Secretary

Weighted Voting for Changes to the Tasar Class Rules and Constitution  - JTA votes in favour

At their AGM on October 6, members of the Japan Tasar Association voted unanimously in favour of the proposal to use weighted voting for changes to the class rules and constitution.

This is the third vote in favour of the proposal. Seven votes in favour are required to approve the proposed change.

Richard Spencer
Executive Secretary