Changes to the Rotation Lever - An update from Frank
(The mylar main
sail that Frank is developing for trialling by the class will
include a "cuff" extending from the boom down to the deck.
This will require changes to the rotation lever. Frank's ideas on
this are given below.)
Re rotation lever, I will discard the present lever and substitute
a bifurcated lever pivoted on a 1/4 inch bolt through the lips of
the vang attach fitting. This will be drawn by a line to a deadeye
and cleat on either side of the vee'd forward bulkhead. I have in
mind that if the jib sheet and the rotation line are both strongly
marked with texta, the forward hand when tacking will, prior to the
tack, uncleat the active rotation line, grasp both the new jib
sheet and the new rotation line together where marked, and the one
movement will then both trim the jib on the new tack and reverse
and set the mast rotation.
Note: This development project is line with the
motion passed at the World Council meeting in Victoria in 2003,
which endorsed the establishment of a development committee and
investigation of possible changes to the Tasar, followed by a
report to the World Council. Any changes to the class rules
will go through the normal approval process, which now includes
approval by ISAF. Richard Spencer