Tasar Clubs


Perth area                                                              Club Tasar Representitive            Contact


Royal Perth Yacht Club    www.rpyc.com.au                   Roger Best      r.best@iinet.net.au    0422 506 309

                             -  sailing Sunday afternoons, October to April.

Mounts Bay Sailing Club  www.mbsc.com.au              Greg Jennings  tasarmbsc@gmail.com  

                            -  sailing Sunday afternoons, October to April.

                            -  Winter series sailing, May to August.





Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club  mofsc.com.au

                                                                                        Trevor Date     trevord22@bigpond.com    0448 040 284

                        -  sailing Saturday afternoon, October to April  - Winter series (check web site for times).

                            Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club with dinghies on shore.jpg



Geographe Bay Yacht Club  www.gbyc.com.au              Anton Mann       anton@geofingroup.com 

                        -  sailing Saturday afternoon, October to April  - Winter series (check web site for times).

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