Events Archive

2016-2017 Australian Tasar Nationals

30 Dec 2016 - 7 Jan 2017 - Port Stephens, NSW, Australia

43rd Australian Nationals - Townsville, QLD

26th Sept- 3rd Oct 2015 - Townsville, Queensland

2015 UK Nationals - Felpham

18th - 20th September 2014 - Felpham Sailing Club, UK

NSW Tasar Championships 2014-2015

Friday, April 3rd 2015 - Sunday, April 5th 2015 - The Illawarra Yacht Club

Tasar 2015 World Championships at Busselton, Western Australia

2nd Jan - 9th January 2015 - Busselton, Western Australia

Qld 2014 State Titles

October 18th,19th 2014 - Mission Beach, Queensland

UK Tasar Inlands - Wimblebal Oct 4th/5th 2014

October 4th/5th - Wimbleball Lake

2014 UK Nationals - Babbacombe

12th - 14th September - Babbacombe Sailing Club - Oddicombe beach

NT State Titles

Friday, 25 July to Sunday 27 July - Darwin Sailing Club, Northern Territory

2013 Tasar World Championships - Cascade Locks

10th - 17th August 2013 - Cascade Locks, Oregon